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    Last 90 Days- End of 2020 Challenge!

    Imagine this… What if we lived out the last 90 days of this year with the mindset we have at the beginning of the year… All of those January 1st things… “I’m going to make this year my best yet.”“I’m FINALLY going to get through that workout program.”“I’m going to drop those last 15 lbs.”“I’m not going to give up on myself.”“I’m going to accomplish ___________.”“I’m going to finish this year a stronger, happier, healthier person.” But what happens?  Life gets in the way.  I mean, I don’t want to bring it up, but this year has been a total doozy.  We’re all exhausted.  We’re all just trying to get…

  • Cardio,  Motherhood,  Nutrition,  Nutrition Tips,  Weight Training,  Workouts

    February Love Your Body Wellness Challenge

    If I asked you to name 50 things you love… how long would it take for you to say “myself”? One of my favorite challenges I run annually is our February Love Your Body, Love Yourself, Self-Love challenge. A 4 week immersion into self-love, daily affirmations and journaling, a book club, and a month long focus on making ourselves a priority. I’m not going to sugar coat it… this time of year is challenging. We set goals, we struggle. We’re feeling crappy because the weather sucks. It’s too cold. We may carry a little regret from spending too much or indulging too much over the holidays, and our need to prioritize…

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    Resolution Evolution : Achieving Your Best Year Yet in 2018

    It always amazes me how fast the year flies by… wasn’t it just summer?  And here we are closing another chapter, turning another page, and flipping over to a new calendar. I set out my 2017 with some pretty solid goals, of course always involving some form of personal growth, development, better my health and fitness, get in optimal shape, eat a little better, push a little harder, love a little more deeply, and enjoy every experience. Do all of those things happen in order, and as planned?  Of course not.  I’m not as lean as I was at the beginning of last year, in fact, I’ve gained 10 lbs. …

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    Holiday Survival Group + 12 Days of Giveaways: November 27th – January 1st

    ‘Tis the season… To make attempts to stay on track… but in reality… wine, turkey, appetizers, boozy festive drinks, parties, and too many cookies ALWAYS interfere with those plans.As much as I’d always used to tell myself that it’s going to be different this year, old habits die hard and I’d end up feeling pretty sluggish come January 1st.Wouldn’t it be nice to just get through the holidays without the added bloat, weight gain, and diving into the Christmas cookies at every opportunity? And maybe snag some cool holiday swag in the process?My official Holiday Survival Group + 12 Days of Giveaways kicks off with a week of PREP on Monday…

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    The Final Countdown- 8 Week Fitness Bootcamp 11/6-12/31

    It’s the final countdown… did you sing it like you remember it from the 80’s?!   Tell me if you’ve been here before.  That first week of a brand new year and ambition is high.  We set lofty goals.  We’re determined.  We want to lose X amount of pounds and inches.  We envision this rockstar summer body.  We are going to CRUSH it this year…. and then St. Patty’s day happens.  Then Easter candy.  Memorial Day, summer BBQ’s, Labor Day, Halloween Candy… and well, goals didn’t quite get met.  Progress was, well…  Think about this…  There are 9 weeks left in 2017… If you lose 3 pounds per week that’s 27…

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    October Clean Week- Kickstart Your Journey

    How many times has it been for you?  3?  8?  15?  I’ve probably “tried” and “quit” 7 or 8 things in the past after deciding it was “too hard” or it wasn’t for me or I just wasn’t feeling it, or ultimately wasn’t ready.  I thought a lot of times, I seriously wish you could just “try on” a healthy lifestyle to see if it fits?  A see if this is for me sort of thing….  Well, here it is.   One full week of workouts, nutrition, meal planning simplified, grocery shopping/lists and a week of my support and accountability to help you navigate how to make it work and see…

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    3 Week Summer Sweat- June 19 – July 10

    Summer goals!  You’ve heard that phrase- summer bodies are made in the winter… what’s made in the summer?  Healthy habits are made in the summer- with a little bit of balance and moderation too.   For me, summer  used to be a free-for-all.  Cocktails.  BBQ’s.  Travel.  Wine.  Treats.  Snacks.  Ice cream… all summer long.  And come September I was feeling the bloat of a summer of throwing all caution to the wind and saying yes to everything.   We’ve all been there… work your butt off during the winter and spring months to gear up for swimsuit shopping only to blow all that hard work on that first big beach…

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    Spring into Summer- 30 Day Health & Fitness Bootcamp

    We’ve all been there.   We said January 1 would be the start date.  Anticipated a perfect beginning of the year with getting into a fitness routine, eating a little better, and would be rocking those results come summer.  And then St. Patty’s Day happened, and we drank a few beers.  Then Easter happened… Why do those Reese’s eggs have to taste SOOOOOO good.   And here we are nearing summer and thinking, CRAP!  I have to do something to get back on track!   I just found myself feeling that same way.  That little extra squish that I didn’t want to have to eliminate this late in the game…

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    Best Year Yet 6 Week Bootcamp – Starts March 13th

      Well. 2017 started out strong. Nutrition was on point. Workout routine was stellar. Then life happened. Real world crept back in and even though I started strong, I’ve been pretty weak as of lately. Easily tempted. Too much 20 and not enough 80… it’s been more like 60/40… and this weekend, 50/50 at best! I just looked at my calendar- our Punta Cana trip is less than 2 months away. So knowing I’m going to be WHOOPING myself into gear – a 6 week bootcamp in prep for the beach is in order- and I want to bring YOU with me. My 6 WEEK BOOTCAMP is going to start…

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    Turn Your Fitness Your Business: Building A Successful Coaching Business From Home

    After my 3rd pregnancy I needed a change. My body wasn’t bouncing as fast as I expected it would, despite having a pretty fit and active pregnancy. I was HAULING 3 kids to & from the gym, one was a tiny baby, and I was putting in an hour of work each time, and being pulled from my workouts to nurse a baby or change a diaper, and just couldn’t get into the groove. On top of that I was going back to nursing school full-time… my life was CHAOS. I was depressed, stressed, unhealthy, eating like garbage, and just didn’t feel good about the frustrated, chaotic, anxious person that…

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