Ditching the diet culture. There is more work to do.

“Doesn’t it get old??”
Said the snarky message in my inbox…
Does what get old??
“Posting about your “fitness journey” and talking about what you do as a coach all the time?”
No and here’s why…
***drags out soapbox, clears throat ***
Until women stop buying into the claim that a magic pill or spoonful of something or “waist shrinking” product, or try this powder and it magically blasts your body fat away, or “hide your cellulite with this product”…
And until other women stop trying to dupe others by pushing garbage products that prey on others and continue to feed into the diet culture BS…
There is more work to do…
It kills me to see women who want to “lift each other up” promoting products that will “magically banish your belly fat” and give you a Kim Kardashian ass and “no more cellulite”. Girlfriend, she doesn’t want to lift you up. She wants to get paid.
Know why the diet industry is a 67 billion dollar industry? Because of so damn many gimmicky products being pushed to try to convince women that they are anything but beautiful in their own skin!!!
Sure, I could sell out, compromise my values, and hop ship to a “ground floor” company that promotes “skinny” products in the hopes to make more bank… but that’s not why I’m here…
I’ve made it my job to teach healthy habits through consistent fitness, better nutrition, hydration, positive mindset, and creating balance. I’ve spent the last 6.5 years trying to remove the harmful effects of diet culture by teaching self love. Worthiness. Patience. Trusting the process. That strong is the new skinny. And healthy looks and feels different for EVERY. BODY. PERIOD.
I used to be her. I used to think skinny was it. That a size 0 and 110lbs was what Cosmopolitan magazine said was sexy…. but I’ve learned that we will never find happiness and self love by chasing a size, diet, spoonful of “magic”, or someone else’s body…
It starts within. It starts with health. With mindset. With loving every damn bit of ourselves every step of the way. And having a community who is truly here to help you be the best version of yourself while throwing middle fingers up to all that gimmicky BS…
So no, it never gets old. In fact. I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface.
There is so much more work to do…
My May community is open for enrollment if you’re ready to ditch the diet, trust the process, and fall in love with the journey, click here or fill out the application below to work with me.
Just say the word.