Nutrition,  Workouts

August Bootcamp: Feel Great + Celebrate

Regular exercise and good nutrition is a celebration FOR your body and health, not a punishment for “being bad”.

🎉 A celebration when you up your weights

🎉 Celebrating new muscle definition

🎉 Dropping inches or lbs or body fat %

🎉 Celebrating personal victories, firsts, and leveling up in any way

🎉 Victories with overcoming nutritional struggles

It makes my stomach churn when I see the Monday posts that “my new diet starts today” or “I ate way too much this weekend I need to burn 3x as many calories today”. When you make it a lifestyle, and integrate the discipline with the indulgence, it’s impossible to feel “bad” or “guilty” for a weekend of fun.

Celebrate progress. Small wins. Consistency. And balance. That’s where the results come from!

My August Bootcamp is ALL about celebrating!

It’s no secret. I celebrate a birthday month and we’re doing just that for August!

So this August we will be celebrating :

🎉 Daily Movement

🎉 Completing mini challenges

🎉 Weekly victories & progress

🎉 Healthier meals and swaps

🎉 Our badass bodies

🎉 Meal planning successes

And because I’m a such a celebrator- we’ll have weekly giveaways, we’ll focus on completing a program or 30 days of movement, and an end of month virtual celebration and live workout!

Whether you’re feeling “stuck”, need a fresh start, or want to level up and celebrate your badass self, I gotchoo! Fill out the app below to join us or email me at