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Dieting Vs. Sustainability

❌Dieting vs sustainability…❌

nutrition, dieting, diet, sustainable eating, fitness, eating plan, low carb, keto, high carb, recipes, nutrition coach, lifestyle, balance, mindset, happy, healthy, meal plan, day,

A lot of our society is under the impression that in order to achieve our health and fitness goals we need to restrict, remove, and replace good nutrition with minimal nutrition, with cutting calories/carbs, or worse: weight loss products.

It couldn’t be further from the truth.

I used to assume 1200 calories and limiting carbs was the way to go. I struggled to lose the body fat I had, build any muscle, and lacked energy. Cue the energy drinks.

Our bodies thrive on varieties of nutrients. Wholesome carb sources for energy, muscle growth and repair. Protein for muscle growth and cellular growth and repair. Healthy fats for vitamin absorption, decreasing inflammation and a healthy heart.

When we diet, eliminate food groups, and restrict ourselves, we are more likely to binge and reverse any potential progress we’ve made.

When we eat for sustainability- eating every 2-3 hours to keep our metabolism up, eating combinations of protein/carb/fats at meals and snacks, and allowing for flexibility and not restriction- we have more success long term.

At 128lbs and 5’5” I typically eat in a 2200 caloric range daily, to include about 1.5-2g carbs/lb and 1.1-1.2g protein/lb. I do NOT count macros or calories and some days I vary. I follow a portion styled nutrition plan for sustainability. I eat to LIVE.

Weekly nutrition plans SHOULD allow for wine, treats, and balance. And should leave you feeling satisfied and energized. Because if we can’t have balance and be happy and healthy, what’s the point?

A typical day of nutrition for me:
– 2 eggs, 1/3 c egg whites with riced veggies, 1/2 c oats with 2 tbsp superfood powder, 3/4 c berries
– Coffee + coconut cream + clean snack/protein bar
– spinach salad, chicken, strawberries, feta, sunflower seeds, avocado, balsamic, 21 seed bread
– celery, peanut butter, banana oat muffin
– instant pot beef stew with veggies & sweet potatoes
– vegan superfood powder + plain Greek yogurt + 1/4 c cashew milk, pb2 & chocolate chips

If nutrition is something you’d like support with, have questions about, aren’t sure where to begin, complete my application below to tell me a bit more about yourself. I’d love to help you find balance like I have.