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Change Your Mindset Change Your Life: Breaking Up With The Diet The 2B Mindset Way

2b mindset, change your mindset, change your life, mindset, nutrition, shift, diet, eliminate, elimination, healthy, lifestyle, eat, live, clean, emotional, eating,

The Ongoing Struggle

Dieting is something that I grew up with my entire life.  It was everywhere.  In my home, I watched my mother purchase various diet programs and use multiple solutions with minimal success.  As a child of the 80’s we were all too familiar with Thigh-master infomercials.  We watched grocery store shelves be stocked with Slim-Fast shakes.  We were taught about low carb and artificial sweeteners, diet pills, waist trainers and diet drinks, bars and supplements.  When have we been taught to change our mindset?  To shift the way we think about nutrition from a negative to a positive.

There is a reason so many diets fail.  Diets don’t teach us about food as fuel.  A diet doesn’t teach us HOW we need to fuel our bodies to live.  More importantly, diets don’t teach us that in order to end the yo-yo cycle of dieting, we need to change our mindset and educate ourselves about what good nutrition means without the diet.

As someone who gained those 5 pounds after that freshman year of college drinking Budweisers I understood that if I just ate less- restricted my calories to less than 1,200 per day and switched to diet soda and light beer, I would be fine.  I hated exercise so I never did it.

When I was a bartender a few years later, I got comfortable, ate pizza for most of my meals and drank a lot.  I knew in order to rid myself of the bloat before swimsuit season I would have to stick to that Master Cleanse- you know the one.  Cayenne pepper.  Maple syrup.  Lemon juice.  I literally drank that out of a Nalgene bottle nonstop for 10 days with some colon cleanse herbal tea.  I’m surprised I didn’t dehydrate myself or pass out!  Sure enough, I leaned out after 10 days then went back to eating pizza and drinking and never learned a thing about healthy weight loss or muscle gain.

I’ve struggled for years with emotional eating- eating when I’m mad, when I’m stressed, when I’m celebrating, when I’m tired or bored.  And come to find out, just because it’s not eating in excess doesn’t mean we still can’t have an unhealthy relationship with food.  Constantly worrying about what we’re putting in our bodies or wondering “will this one cupcake go straight to my ass?” is no way to live.

As I learned the process of eating healthy, nutrition to fuel our bodies, incorporating regular exercise, it became clear to me.  If we don’t take the time to learn HOW to eat to live not live to eat, we never will, and the cycle will be endless.  I became a health and fitness coach for this very reason.  To help teach others the importance of balance.  To share the knowledge of nutrition, nutrients, filling our bodies with plants and fruits and veggies and hydrating and eliminating the notion that eating less or switching to Diet Coke and low fat cheese is the solution.

Eliminating The Diet Mindset 

I am BEYOND excited for the launch of this program 2B Mindset on May 2nd that is going to change the way we think about dieting.  It is going to eliminate that diet mindset and teach us a new mindset on eating to fuel our bodies.  I’ve opened up a group focusing specifically on nutrition where for 30 days we will learn these tips, techniques, and how to fall in LOVE with food and nutrition for the right reasons.  Then, after those 30 days we’ll dive more in depth into implementing what we’ve learned, tracking our habits, fueling our results, and reclaiming our health and our lives free of the diet mindset.

Who is 2B Mindset for?

People who:

  • Want to lose weight, but don’t like to exercise
  • Exercise but struggle with their nutrition and do not see the weight loss results they want
  • Love food, love to eat big portions, and love to feel full
  • Are tired of yo-yo dieting but want to maintain their lifestyle
  • Want an easy-to-follow way to lose weight without strict rules, like cutting food groups, counting calories or eating small portions
  • Cannot exercise due to injury/illness but want to lose (or maintain) weight through better eating habits
  • Have experienced emotional eating and want to be free from obsessing about food and feeling overwhelmed by food choices

2b mindset, results, weight loss, ditch, the, diet, nutrition, rd, healthy 2b, mindset, results, nutrition, diet, ditch, mind over matter, weight loss 2b mindset, results, weight loss, health, nutrition 2b mindset, results, weight loss, motherhood, summer, body, nutrition, eating, healthy,

This group will fill up fast and we will kick off Monday April 30th with information about the program, and begin rolling into a month of better habits before implementing those practices long term.

How do you reserve your spot?
Click HERE to join my private FACEBOOK group or complete this form below.

I look forward to working with you!



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