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    The Skin You’re In…

    The skin we’re in. Thick. Thin. Pale. Tan. Brown. White. Freckled. Dotted with cellulite. Lined with stretch marks. Wrinkly. Shiny. We’re so quick to judge ourselves on appearances.   But how many of us can say that we’re comfortable in that skin. That we’re getting rid of judging, and moving onto acceptance. It’s taken me a lot of years to get to this point. To be comfortable in my body. To love the cellulite and the imperfections and the wrinkles.   I didn’t always. So I decided one day to ask for help. I was tired of being tired, being self conscious, and not getting the results I wanted from…

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    Competition Prep: 15 Weeks Out

    I might be crazy.  I might be certifiably insane.  I’ve decided to tackle another competition.  Bikini competition #3.  March 26th.  St. Louis, MO. I may be in the throes of my last semester of nursing school.  That day will be my daughter’s 2nd birthday.  I will be prepping for finals.  Why not throw a competition in the mix too.  Well.  Here goes! I’m putting Body Beast up on the shelf.  Temporary retirement.  I’ve been using the program pretty ferociously for the past year and I’ve absolutely loved what it’s done for my body.  It’s been outstanding to see my muscles grow in ways I never could’ve imagined.  And if you’ve…