
‘Twas the Night Before Back to School: Covid Edition

‘Twas the night before back to school
I mean, what in the world?!
We didn’t think it’d look like this
For our boys and girls.

No school bus is coming…
No in-person classrooms,
Remote learning for now,
And logging into Zooms

Recess will look more like,
“Please, go play outside!”
While mom sits inside sipping
Red wine while she cries.

Okay, not everyday,
But yep, y’all this is it.
For the parents, the teachers,
And our kiddos- don’t forget

This adjustment is big,
So we must calm their fears,
Encourage, support, love, learn
Lean in, wipe their tears

They’re missing their friends,
Teachers, structure, and classes
And we hope it gets easier
With each day that passes

And yes, let’s thank all our teachers
Doing it with style and grace
Also thrown into this chaos
But with a masked smile on their face

They’re giving so much
Amid all of this crazy
To help us navigate this chapter
And keep our kids from getting lazy

In fact let’s all take a minute
And a deep breath or two
Because there’s really no “best way”
To know just what to do

No need to point fingers
Or try to pass blame
We’re all in this together
Is the name of the game

If only we’d all heeded
This one simple task,
Wash your hands, keep your space,
Please be smart, wear your mask

So into new territory
We’re about to embark
With our kiddos and their teaches
Ready to leave their mark

So give yourself grace, breathe
Be kind, it’ll all be alright…
Happy back to school, to all
And to all a goodnight!
